Wednesday, April 04, 2007

rainy day at home

Shall we recap ...

_ do laundry almost done!
_ clean room & organize about to do!
_ go to the post office & pp done & done!
_ go to staples done but with lots of confusion!
_ go to bloomingdale's done & met a lovely lady!
_ go to the a&p will do on friday!

So tomorrow I work but my one big thing will be to re-label and re-stuff save the dates ... I'm really behind. Wedding stuff needs to happen!

But as for today, no matter how stressful life is or how much my little heads goes back in forth. I have it pretty damn good around here, and I'm thankful for that. ( & I truly have the best maid of honor anyone could ask for. ) We must be patience for the things we want & be willing to put those efforts forth, or else we are just being greedy.

love <3

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