Friday, May 15, 2009

trash the rental

one day, in my town home ( i would much rather prefer a town home to a house ) i will have a room with a wall like this, filled with books, pictures, & chachkas. where & when ever that may be ...

i dont really like to complain about my job because i really love/enjoy it & i feel lucky to have it. but sometimes i lack the energy or the creativity to look amazing or to "work it out" as bentlee would say. so today i will opt for the classic red lip, it always perks me up & with the littlest of effort i will work it out!

pete took these, fritz wasnt really feeling it :)


AmyK said...

I want a wall like that, too.
Maybe I ought to be writing these things down for when we finally do get our own house instead of renting... I'd LOVE a wall of shelves.

ashley marble said...

hey girl! i hope you are well! just wanted to say hey:-)